Monday, December 7

Life Lessons

Hi, it's me, Henry. Here are a few little diddys I've learned in the last three days.

1) Don't shout inappropriate things in public (or private) places. Parents can find time out any where and any time. They also have the power to take away prize possessions for long or short periods of time.

2) Telling your mom that she is the best, followed by an I love you in the Target toy section will not get you the toy you eyed up.

3) Cutting your own Christmas tree is way better than purchasing one in a tree lot. Especially if you actually get to go into Santa's house afterward to pay Mrs. Clause and drink her apple cider.

4) Mom and Santa are close personal friends. She will throw you under the bus if you misbehave.

5) If you eat 1/2 dozen cookies, you will throw up.

6) If you eat a gingerbread man while falling asleep at the table, you will choke.

7) You cannot run around church. That gives you a direct ticket to the nursery.

8) Peeing backward on the little potty chair does not work.

9) Eating too many Hershey Kisses will make you chubby.

10) Don't use a tissue to wipe boogers off your face. That's what sleeves are for. And when you don't feel like using your sleeve, wipe the boogers on your carseat.

11) When you tell mom to get out the vacuum to clean up the mess that you made under your chair at the counter, she will give you necessary supplies to clean it up yourself.

12) Dad says when you make Mom mad, bring her home flowers and tell her you love her.

This is me when avoiding eye contact with Santa as Mom tells him a few things that she said he probably already knew.

Mom made me pose with Santa after she "filled him in."

This is my baby brother. I heard he's on the nice list. I'm on the maybe list, whatever that means.

Tuesday, December 1

My Mr. Funnypants

Scene: Henry eating lunch at the kitchen counter, while Dad does dishes (I like that.) Mom enters kitchen wearing sweatpants (What else? Come on, give me a break. It's Sunday!) and vigoriously applying chapstick to her very, very dry lips.
Dad: Henry, what would you like to get Mom for Christmas?
Henry: Umm. . .ahhh. . .some pretty make-up.
Dad: Anything else?
Henry: A giant pair of underwear!

Giving thanks never felt so good. Happy Thanksgiving little Harrison.

Yea! Snow in Northern Minnesota for Thanksgiving! Henry gave the sled a test drive in preparation for Christmas.

Henry and Uncle Matt worked together to make a complex track route. . .

. . .until helping Nana in the kitchen looked like more fun. . .

. . .and Uncle Matt had to recruit more assistance to finish the job.

Did you know that a reading light also dubbs as a flashlight to get the mail in the dark?