Well, I think we've officially made it to spring here in Minnesota! There isn't as much as a flake of snow to be seen. We've had a few warm afternoons and the neighborhood probably looks like a city of ants by 5pm with all of the kids and adults running around. Minnesotans are not wasting a precious moment of this warm weather cause grills and patio furniture are assuming their summertime positions.
Today we are debating between visiting the zoo farm babies, playground fun or well...just hanging out close to home...outside of course. However, we could use a day trip to revitalize a few cooped up little boys, so we're looking at getting out of here.
Thought I would dedicate this post today to spring and a few things going on and popping up! around here.
#1 springtime colds...or allergies? not sure. Harrison definitely has a cold. He's had too many ear infections this winter and I am hoping we've battled the last one. I need to find my way to the health store to pick up some probiotics and boost his good bacteria cause it's a bit sluggish these days from the antibiotics. Henry, well, he's my allergy boy and the cause of his runny nose is a toss up. What's isn't a toss up is the stuff on his shirt sleeve. What are boys so stinkin messy? Seriously, if he doesn't have a tissue in his hand, I am always within ear shot of running a tissue to him and willing to wipe his nose if he lets me. Today. A white shirt. It will disguise the gross stuff he will wipe on his sleeve, but not do any justice to what will be dribbled on the frontside.

#2 Buy more Kleenex. Down to the last box. Literally. Had a roll of toilet paper on the counter yesterday just to have a back up.
#3 Buy my kids clothes that fit. And match. Scott dressed both boys today. While Harrison matches, probably because he's wearing a one-piece, Scott claimed, "In my defense, that's all I could find this morning, Jen." Hen's wearing 2T black shorts and a tshirt that fits but doesn't match. And it's dark, so I'll have to do something about that to disguise the snot.

#4 Tulips. Can't believe we melted the snow and seeing green all in the same week!
#5 Paint. I wanted to paint the kitchen last spring. Last year, I wanted green and this spring my husband realizes that we need to paint and touch up a few spots. This year, I'm jonesing for a blue grey color. Nothing dark, but something that matches nicely with our backsplash and keeps the kitchen bright. Think my husband is too...just got a text from him wondering if we can paint this weekend. Is he nuts? Does he need to ask?!

#6 Washing windows. I look forward to about 6 weeks from now when my children spend the weekend with their grandparents so I can do a little deep cleaning and enjoy it for about 24 hours. I look around this house and for the most part it is clean. What I can't keep clean are the windows from little prints and the floor from crumbs. I can sweep 2x a day and it's still dirty.

And a few randoms pictures to let you know what we've been up to.
Goin on walks...and {trying} to steal signs.
Enjoyed our spring break...even though it didn't look like spring.
Trying to avoid stitches and keeping our eye on the climber.

Trying to find a sport that makes these giant goggles look cool.

Happy Spring!