That is....if there was anyone in this house to drop a pin.
I have been waiting for this day for about 2 months now.
The boys are gone for the weekend to spend 3 entire days with Nana and Papa.
I really hope Nana took Monday off to recover!
When I returned home yesterday afternoon from the "exchange of goods," Scott said to me, "Every where I turn there is just something to be done around here!"
To which I replied to the man with filthy clothes, "This weekend is about two things--recharging our batteries and getting enough done around here without exhausting ourselves."
There are lots of things I love about my husband, but one of the things I have come to appreciate is his desire to work. Long before we were married, I noticed how much he valued working hard and it's payoffs. Now that we have a family, I can only appreciate it that much more--especially since I am an at home mom. But it's more than just providing a living that he's good at. He's great at the let's-make-a-list-and-get-it-done. Sometimes he's so good that I have to remind him that it's okay if we don't get it all done right. now. Although I have to say, through life's trials and tribulations, he's well-balanced with work and family--in the right way. But watch out when the man's created (or given ;) a "to do" list!
So that's what he and I are working on this long weekend. Getting some, not all, of the boxes on our "to do" list checked off. The list is over-ambitious, but in time will need to get done. I feel that if we get all of the boxes checked this weekend, we worked a little too hard and didn't do enough "fun" stuff to recharge our batteries.
Yesterday, Scott took part of the day off and stained the deck and washed the windows. Today, I am cleaning out a little man's dresser, cleaning the bathrooms (half done already) and spending the rest of the day out-and-about all. by. myself. Only to finish the day off dining with friends and my husband.
Tomorrow. More work. Part of which includes REpainting our kitchen. Remember awhile back I told you my husband was going to freshen up the kitchen with new paint, which would bring in a splash of color? Too much color. Ugh! Good thing he's ambitious!
Tomorrow evening. Anniversary dinner.
9 Years.