As I was cleaning, I found these coveralls that were once Scott's. I made Henry put them on and pose next to a picture of Scott and his dad. Scott was wearing the coveralls in the picture.
Henry was outside with Scott earlier this week. He came into the house with this bucket and hollared at me in the basement, "I got a frog for you Mom! He's sick for you!" We tried to nurse this sick frog back to life, but our efforts failed us.
I opened my eyes this morning to what appeared to be 6:45 on the clock. It was lightly raining outside and there was a coolness in the air. I realized that I had slept through the night without waking! This isn't something that happens often anymore as I've had a lot on my mind to sleep well lately.
Maybe I got a good night's rest because Henry spent his first of three nights at my parent's house. Things felt a bit strange this morning when I got out of bed. I have to admit that I missed Mr. Bossy Boots demanding his back and belly rubbed, breathing his dragon breath on me as he impatiently demands a sippy of milk and Arthur turned on the tv.
I felt this overwhelming sadness as we parted ways last night in the St. Augusta McDonald's parking lot. So much of my time is spent entertaining him that I forget how much he keeps me entertained. However, I knew that he was in good care and many worries went away when the phone rang at 10:30 last night and I heard my mom's voice telling me they safely arrived home.
The one thing I can't figure out in this situation--who is more excited to be together, Henry or my dad. I know my mom is excited to have Henry around, but we all know that my mom doesn't bait fishing hooks and drive the Kabota tracker around the yard. Henry wasn't sad one bit last night as I kissed and hugged him a gazillion times. He was going on "vacation." He's going to spend the next few days peeing in the yard, eating licorice and Dots until his poop turns a funny green dye color (I've seen it happen before!), and being entertained in ways I am not good at. I am excited for him and my dad. . .and my mom too. (I'm also excited to spend this entire day mommy, and wifey, free.)
So when I woke this morning, I was thrilled that I had gotten such a good night's sleep. I've been toss and turning way too much thinking about lots of baby stuff--mostly excitement, but partially worried as we're so close to the end. We are a week and a half from the due date and it feels like a month and a half. Sherry and baby are both doing well--except the sleep part for her too. . .and lots and lots of nightly bathroom trips. I sense this concern from Sherry that she is anxious about the arrival of a healthy baby, and then it makes me a bit worried that she's worried.
However, I continue to move my life forward believing that this baby will arrive home. I continue to nest. This house is (almost) spotless. Earlier this week, I took bottles out of a box, rewashed them and put them in the cupboard. I cleaned out the play room, which sits off of of out kitchen and set up the Pack and Play as a changing station. I somewhat hesitate as I set stuff out, but there is excitement in doing so. I move forward believeing that God wants me to prepare for baby. If He didn't, He would find a way to protect me and divert my attention to something else.
I am not sure what the next week and a half will bring. I am not counting on sleep. I have a few more things to clean. I do plan to keep up my pace of eating bowls full of ice cream and rich desserts before I go to bed. Scott reminds me that it's important that I hear my cell phone at all times. He even sleeps with his now. I still have to pack my bag for the hospital, which I plan to put together after returning home from Monday's appointment. But we're ready. We're more than ready. Henry asked me the other day when Baby Butter was coming because he's excited too. So we're all patiently waiting to bring Baby home.
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