Ahhh...the first Minnesota snowfall has made it's way to our neighborhood. When I went to bed last night it was autumn and when I woke up, it felt so much like winter. I was so relieved going to bed last night that I didn't have to go anywhere in the morning. After breakfast, Henry insisted on going outside. Can you see that we are not quite prepared for the winter chill? Hen's wearing two pairs of pants, a sweatshirt and a winter jacket that he's worn for the last two winters, which is a size 12-18 months--can you see how much larger the sweatshirt is compared to the jacket? I would say he's grown. My favorite part of the picture is his bright green monster rainboots. We really are not prepared for this first snowfall, but we'll get there.
Last night we made our way to Minnesota Harvest Apple Orchard with our neighbors. Henry was anything but happy as our first stop was the pumpkin bin area. He told me that this picture means he was mad. He wanted to ride the pony. . .

He eventually got his pony ride.

On Saturday night, we had Brooke and MLT over for dinner to celebrate their recent engagement. Here is Henry serving salad to Brooke.
I have decided that Henry is a Polman through and through. . .
Earlier in the day, Brooke stayed with the boys while Scott and I went to the Gopher football game. When Henry saw Brooke's wedding ring, he commented, "That looks expensive. How much did that thing cost?" Brooke told him that she didn't know. He informed her that while he took his nap, Brooke needed to call Matt and ask how much her ring cost.
This morning, I was putting some new bedding on Scott and my bed. He walked in and said, "Mom, how much did this cost?"
Today he keeps looking out the window at the snow. He continues to ask, "Now how much do we have?"
I swear. . .Polman in surround sound is just too much.
Our little Harrison may not be as funny as Henry lately, but he's equally cute. He continues to be a good baby. He is eating 4 oz every 3 hours and sleeps most of the afternoon away. He keeps us company in the morning and early evening. He likes to go to bed around 9-9:45 and wake for the day around 5-6am. He'll get up between 1:30-3:30am for a feeding and fall back to sleep for a few hours. There has only been one night where he decided to visit in the wee hours of the morning for a 2 hour period. He loves to snuggle and be warm. Harrison is alert, happy and on occassion will give us a big smile...which I know for sure is not gas. Others have witnessed it and agree that he is a content, happy baby. We are so blessed.
"Mom, do I have a smustash?" "Hen, you don't have a smustash, you have a beard."We made Daddy a birthday cake this morning. Henry enjoyed licking the utensils and bowl once we got the cake in the oven. He keeps asking to frost the cake. Happy birthday Scott! We love you!
It is fun to end my day by seeing what a great day you had with your boys. Conferences until 8 tonight...bet you didn't miss them! Miss you!
ReplyDeleteBecky M.