The Friday before Halloween, Henry received a card in the mail with 10 $1 bills. He was excited because he could add to his savings plan for his Buzz Lightyear Wingpack. His savings plan started with an elderly man at church who always gives him $1 after church. John used to give him 25 cents, but has grown to enjoy Henry's entertainment and friendship and has now upped his donation. Henry is now close to the $20 that he needs to make his purchase. So the Monday following Halloween, Henry received another card. When his excitement is deflated because there isn't any money in his card, he asked to open Harrison's card. Henry learned for the first time in his 3 years of life, that not every card is going to have money in it. He continued to wait to make his wingpack purchase. Finally a week later he receives another card in the mail. He's delighted that it has $ in it and now he has enough to go to the store and buy his wings.
Henry turned 3 on Monday and today we're having a family birthday party for him. I baked his cake yesterday and he's been eyeing it for the past 24 hours. He just came to me and said, "Mom, I'm hungry for breakfast. I need cake." To which I replied, "Henry, you are not eating cake for breakfast." (I bet you can see where this is going.) "Mom, I NEED cake for breakfast... because it's my birthday."
Rule number ONE in this house lately is that you don't always get what you want.
Isn't that a rule in everyone's house? Hasn't it always been a rule in this house? Well, kind of , but not really. This rule has really come into affect since our lifestyle change that I am staying at home with the boys. I am now more money conscience than I have ever been. I find satisfaction in saving almost as much money at the store at I spend. Like, for example I spent $35 dollars at Target a couple days ago and saved $23 in coupons. I LOVE that. I pride myself on trying to save money and show off my recipt to Scott when I get home like a kid looking for recognition on something well done. (He did pat me on the back.) But it does bum me out a bit when I go out shopping now. It's no longer for myself and I can't selfishly throw something in the cart for myself when no one (i.e. Scott) is looking. It used to be easy to throw a shirt in the cart when it was full because it just kind of blended it with the total bill. Well, now life is different and every bit counts. Not to say that I won't do it again, because I am sure I will. What girl doesn't love a new shirt?
I keep telling Scott in our discussions lately that there is no other place for me right now than at home with Henry and Harrison. I am enjoying it more than I ever thought I would. We are finding things to do and making friends along the way. However, I'm not getting time to myself anymore because this job is 24/7. I'm finding that making time for myself is the biggest challenge and it wears on me if I let it go for too long. I used to think that running errands was time for myself, but it's not. Running errands is boring and brings its own element of stress. So I'm searching for purposeful things to do for myself, by myself with Scott's loving support. I've got a few things in the works that I'm excited about.
I miss blogging. I enjoy sharing my thoughts, knowing that others can identify with me. I find myself getting to the computer less and less. At the top of my Christmas list is a laptop. I used to have one when I worked and I didn't realize how wonderful that was until I no longer had it. Maybe Santa will treat me well. I have been a good girl, you know.
So as I do some soul searching and continue to make wish lists, I take happiness in the things that I do have. I have two happy healthy boys that, at the moment are very hungry. And no we won't be having cake for breakfast, we'll have to wait. Because in this house, we don't get everything we want.
You always make me smile! I love to hear the stories-!
ReplyDeleteC'mon Mom! Cake for breakfast sounds like a great idea! Henry does make a convincing case for it...see you soon.