Even in two years.
This weekend marks the 2nd birth date of my dear,sweet, precious Hudson. It brings me such joy to
be at this point, but it pains me to think of my loss. Many people told me the first year would be the hardest, and it was. The pain was raw. The anniversary of his first birthday felt victorious. We had made it, everything from this point would be easier. For the most part, it has been easier to deal with our difficult loss. Hanging his stocking for Christmas, the hardest part of my Christmas last year, was easier this year--but not easy. It really sucks to see it empty on Christmas morning. But It was wonderful to have a visual reminder that we are a family of 5, not 4.
That's another thing that sucks. I always feel guilty when I answer the question, "How many children do you have?" I most always say 2 because my story isn't something I share openly. (I'm laughing because I have a blog. How much more open can one get?) But maybe what I really mean is that I don't dwell on it. I don't pity myself because of the tragedy I have encountered. People deal with hardships every day. They make us stronger, wiser, and a bit callous.
Last week I sat through a conversation with a few women who were talking about postpartum incontinence. Although it's a terrible problem, I just couldn't fnd enough energy to actually feel sorry for them. About a month and a half ago, a pregnant fitness instructor at the Y started to share her pregnancy stories with me as if I was interested. I nodded my head and smiled as if to say I care, but I didn't really. I just kept thinking, I hope you realize how lucky you are and I hope your baby is healthy. These women had no idea of my story, nor did I intend to share it. It's all part of my journey, learning to cope with everyone else's reality.
What I do try to focus on is the beauty in each day. I have bad days like everyone else. I get crabby, irritable and somedays hard to be around. But I have a home, filled with wonderful things, including people who love me unconditionally. I have so much to appreciate.
Today, the boys and I don't have much of anything going on. After doing our morning routine, we bundled up and went on a walk. Now, I was shocked to learn that it was only 8 degrees, but 8 degrees in Minnesota is beautiful.
I love when the trees are frost-covered.

Hen Man bowled for the first time in December. Bumpers and clown shoes have never been so fun!

Da babe. What's not to love about this smile? 24/7 he's grinning and giggling. Even strangers can't help but stop and smile back.

Finally, brotherly love. I love, love, love the interaction taking place between these two boys. It makes my heart melt.

Good post Jen, thanks for being so open about how life is for you, I am so glad to get to know you better and am a big fan of all of your boys!