- DRAMA--how is it possible that everyone can talk, whine, cry and need my attention at the same time
- DIRTY DISASTER--it's Monday, my house looks like a stampede of wild boars came to visit over the weekend
- DEVASTATING--my mama won't pick me up because she is trying to regain order in this house
- DENT--because that's what a 16 year old put into my car this weekend. We were parking at church and he "thought [he] had it" as he pulled into his spot. But he didn't. The 16 year old was pretty shook up as it was (hopefully, probably, maybe) his first encounter with hitting another car. We couldn't help but be forgiving as we have two boys who will (probably, maybe) do something like this, and ummm...well, I hit a fire hydrant backing out of my driveway about 9 years ago.
- Deere--because nothing rides like it. And the ride is that much sweeter when you bought part of it yourself because you earned some cold hard cash...and quarters
- DRYER--because it's going to run all day as it tries to keep up with my washer
- DELIVERY MAN---this home is a frequent stop lately for the UPS truck to keep up with my sister's retail therapy. (She occupies the basement right now as she is in transition between places.) My favorite delivery story has to be when Henry ran to see who was at the front door after he heard the door bell ring. I watched him stand there as his body was frozen in motion with a puzzled look on his face. When I asked him who's at the door, he didn't answer me. Instead he opened the door and shouted, "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" as he watched the delivery man run back to his truck.
- 1 hour of solitude at the YMCA this morning
- 1 mom to pick up after kids who can make a mess twice as fast as she can pick up
- 1 cup of coffee drank as I've blogged
- 1 x 2 runny noses to wipe up today--darn allergies
- 1 sink full of dirty dishes and 1 dishwasher to unload--ugh! I hate that when that happens
- 1 cat, which I sometimes neglect to feed, water and scoop the poop. (Thanks to the hubs who cleaned the litter box over the weekend. What a great surprise for me to discover as I went to do the dirty job myself this morning.)
- 1 pan of brownies that I've almost eaten this weekend...with help of course
- 1 unibrow (see last inserted picture) that I will one day need shell out some dough to get waxed
- 1 day to get it all done--gotta go!
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