"Mom, is my dinner ready?"
"Yep. I boiled you some noodles."
As he hops up on the chair next to me, he says with confidence, "Move your computer over, Mom. I'm gonna eat like a machine."
Okay you have to admit, that is pretty funny.
A about 2.5 hours ago, I would have sold him on Craigslist for best offer.
Here's why.
"Picture this." I'm looking at dishtowels in TJMAXX with my back turned to H & H. Big H is c-r-a-b-b-y. He's already looked at the toys and doesn't want to be here. He's making me not want to be here. I've already scolded, threatened, given the evil eye, all but left the store. I only went in to look at the dishtowels. I become short of breath when I realize that Big H has put all of his weight on the stroller and flipped it upside down. WITH LITTLE H IN IT! Paying no attention to Henry laying on his back, I immediately turn my attention to little Harrison, who is just (literally) hanging out upside down in his carseat. He didn't blink an eye, still content as always. As I adjust him in the upright position, I can't believe that I have to be two important places at once.
I then turn my attention to Henry, picking him up on the floor. Thinking, Should I even be picking him up? What if he hurt his back? Or neck? Screw it, he's already half up.
After assessing the situation, I realize that really the only person not okay in this situation...is me. I thank God that Harrison was buckled into his car seat. I thank God that the situation was not brutal and bloody. Thank you!!
At this point, I am so highly irritated with Henry that I am so calm it's eerie. We leave shortly thereafter. I buy my fake lemons and yellow dishtowels, leaving the movie Henry picked out behind. He gently grabbed my hand as he left the store with tears in his eyes. He cried all the way out to the car and for blocks beyond TJMAXX. He eventually fell asleep.
When we got home, I packed up every toy that he cherishes and will miss for the next 48 hours. I put it in a brown paper bag and hid it in the garage. He's yet to notice, but I am confident that it will be a teachable moment. I don't drag my children to stores except for Target. I don't ask them to be bored while I shop for things they could care less about. But today it was raining and I thought we could handle a little adventure that mommy was interested in. I guess not.
So I sit here. I again thank God that all ended well. I've snapped out of my crabbiness, thanks to an unexpected phone call from a friend at the right time. I'm laughing. How can someone do something so wrong, still be so loved, full of personality and innocence?
Dinner is ready.
Girrrlll, I feel you...you love em' but there are days aren't there??? Here's to you...keeping it in perspective!