I'm hiding in my room on my bed with the lights off and the computer aglow.
I have officially declared my fall break over and done. I'm sorry for the lack of postings in the past month. Not sure what my exact reason is, but I'm going with the reason that the computer gets me in trouble with my children. When I'm on the computer, I'm not really present and that's just bad news with a 3 year 364 day old. (Yep, his birthday is tomorrow. And I was told by the king with the crown that, "If you act like you did tonight, you are not invited to my birthday.") So, I'm back. And without further adieu...
Let me explain why Mr. It's-My-Birthday-Pants got a bit sassy. (Do 3 year and 364 day olds really need a reason to be sassy? They just are, aren't they? Or at least mine is. ugh.)I am attempting to actually make him eat what is served at dinnertime. He was served exactly what he ate last night for dinner--delicious roast with carrots and potatoes. It's was all fine and dandy last night. But apparently tonight it wasn't exactly what he wanted. What he wants in junk--sugar, processed snacks, milk. ugh. I've had about enough. When I explained that there would be no snacks, dessert or alternate meal provided, he got a bit pissy with me.
Then the massive meltdown began.
And actually got a bit funny....Harrison, who was sitting in his chair delighted to eat roast, carrots and potatoes thought it was funny that Henry was crying hysterically. Harrison then started to imitate Henry's cry. I started to laugh, Harrison continued with his taunting and Henry only got louder and more upset.
You know what else added to this 90 minute saga? Daylight saving time--we pushed the clocks back an hour on Saturday night. Harrison has been in bed the last two nights at 6pm. My kids usually want dinner at 5pm, if not before and then to make them wait until what used to be 6pm? ugh.
Not only is the 3 year 364 day old sassy in general, but he's also tired and hungry which just add fuel to the sassiness. ugh.
So...I'm hiding. I've been found once since I started this post. It was not pretty either. I was accused of not allowing Mr. It's-My-Birthday-Pants to open presents tomorrow. I don't know where he gets these ideas! Is he delusional?
After one more meltdown...he's finally asleep. Ahhh....
And I'm gonna snuggle in on the couch and rest up for tomorrow--a day that I may or may not be invited to join in the fun.
Here's a quick catch up in 30 seconds or less...

We've been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather.

Harrison had an eye procedure done to unblock a duct. Isn't he the cutest patient you've seen?
We worked on taking a Christmas picture. It was work, got a bit silly (like this picture), and didn't happen without bribery. However, it's done. Pictures taken. Card order and received. They sit in a box in the basement waiting to be address, stamped and shipped. I work early because I can't pass up the discount!!
Henry learned how to trap mice (at Papa's). The best bait is grilled cheese with a bit of peanut butter on top. This trap made a great show-and-tell exhibit (minus the mouse, of course! Although I was hoping the tail could be part of the show part. I lost out.) And yes, the pj's glow in the dark. We like skulls and bones around here for shock and awe.
Here's Buzz and Woody posing with Daddy after he ran the Monster Dash. Jessie and Bullseye joined the gang on Halloween evening.
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