I stated in my previous post, "If we go somewhere, someone comes home sick."
And that's exactly what happened...again.
We made our annual trip to The Depot where we go skating, eat at Old Spaghetti Factory

and do a little swimming and arcading

at the water park. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take pictures while we were at the water park this year because I didn't bring my camera when we went swimming. I knew I was going to have my hands full and a camera just was just one more thing to juggle around.
We had a lot of fun, stayed up a bit late, jumped on the hotel beds, Dad pushed the kids around on the luggage cart.

It was a bit of a vacation outside of the normal scene. We did this slumber party thing, where Mom slept with Harrison and Dad and Henry bunked up together in the other bed.
And then it struck. At 12:30am, Harrison let out this huge whale of a scream. He and I both sat up in our bed and he puked all over the front of my shirt. For every hour after that he continued to get sick in hotel towels, which Scott would then wring out in the tub. We had quite the system down and managed to make it through the night with not much of the sickness on the bed.
The following morning, Henry didn't have a clue as to what happened during the night (so exhausted from a night of fun!) that he was raring to go at 8am. Harrison was feeling better, but we just knew we had to meet a bit of Henry's expectations while caring for Harrison. We proceeded with our breakfast in bed (not my bed, ugh)
and Scott took Henry swimming for a little while at the water park. While Harrison and I stayed back and did a little swimming of our own.

This face! Oh, this face. What a little honey.
Well, we thought the little honey was on the mend around noon on Sunday, but then he got sick again this morning. So, we're making a little Dr. O visit this afternoon. Say a little prayer for this little honey to quickly recover from whatever it is that he's fighting.