Since last Wednesday, I have not been further than a 3 mile radius of my home. I've made a trip to Target and (proudly report) several to the YMCA. (Oh, we did go to church, but I'm not counting that.) I love to order things and have them delivered to my home. I have a fondness for the FEX, UPS, and Coborns trucks. A trip to the mall is a rare occasion, and having dinner out on the town is a real treat (especially if the food is hot and not shared with children.)
I clearly am a shut in.
Today it's blasted cold outside! -5 with a wind chill that makes it feel more like -16. Brrrr... You'd like the delivery people if you lived in MN too!
Anyhow, we find lots of things to do inside of our house. This morning Harrison escaped with the bottom tray of the dishwasher while I had my backed turned. It was clean and empty and is now providing cheap, fun entertainment for the boys. They are loading it with dishes Harrison got for Christmas.
Somedays I feel like all I do is referee, but it's worth the effort. I mean look at these hams!

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