"Mom, when does the Easter Bunny come?"
"Like, um, four months or something like that."
"Well, I'm going outside and when I come back in I was thinking we could take down the Christmas decorations and put up the Easter stuff."
I'm hardly up for the task to start taking down the Christmas decor, let alone putting up Easter decorations. However, this year there is not .1% sadness that Christmas is over and soon we will have to start putting our party decorations away. We've been truly blessed with another Christmas to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. It was a beautiful holiday stretched out over an entire season this year. Our children have really affirmed several things--a baby changed everything, Christmas is extremely wonderful looking through the eyes of a child, giving is better than receiving, and family is such a blessing.
It is my hope that you had a special moment like I did on Christmas Eve. Several hours after returning home from church, I was able to pause and give thanks to Jesus for all that He has done for me and given to me in the midst of the wrapping paper, cheers and laughs. For without His saving grace, I would have nothing.
This Christmas season has truly been a great reminder at the blessings that I am surrounded by.
For it's not what I don't have, it's what I have been abundantly blessed with.
I wish that your Christmas was not only abundantly bright and merry, but also a time of praise for our Lord and Savior.
With that being said, a little peek at our birthday parties for Jesus. Merry Christmas to you.

Yes, wasn't church great?! A baby surely does change everything! Love the pics, was sooo good to run into you at Wooddale and see your fam! merry christmas