SO! I've set a timer for 30 minutes and when it goes off...I'm done! No constant proofing and perfecting because this is the season of a lot to do and not a lot of time to do it.!!
I'll start with yesterday. We got our tree. This happens to be one of my most favorite things to do with my family. Now, it's way easier to go to the lot and pick out a real tree, but what fun (or work) is that!? So after church, we scarfed down a sandwich (made by my husband) and loaded up the boys and off we went! There was fresh snow from Friday night and it was a bit chilly. However, Mr. Harrison was buckled down and off we went with saw in hand.

It was tough to find the perfect tree this year. And after some time searching, we narrowed it down to three. However....this little one (in the sled) told us we better make a quick decision. He was cold and crying with boogers and tears making him colder. He just wanted to keep moving really because once the decision was made and the sled was moving, he was happy.

Henry liked to run after the sled. Needless to say, by 6:30 last night, we were one tired family from treking through the snow and fresh air.
Here's the tree untrimmed by the man who cut it down.

Here's our cute little neighbors who also cut down their tree yesterday at the tree farm. It was quite an adventure for all. If you haven't cut your own tree, try it--so fun!
And this lil man thought it was about the coolest thing to put a tree in the middle of the living room. The oohs & ahhs were like none other I've heard from him.
I bought an Advent calendar this year from a woman who handmade it in Finland. It's beautiful. I don't have a picture of it on my computer and I'm working under a tight deadline people. I have two things to say about the calendar: It's a great way for me to remind Henry daily that Christmas is NOT about Santa and gifts, but rather it's about preparing for the birth of the baby who changed everything. Secondly, it's a great way to bring in spending time with the kids, rather than just little trinkets of stuff. Believe me, we love the trinkets, but Henry was just as excited when he got to chop down a tree with his family.

Umm...have you ever given a kid a whoopie cushion and watched them say busy for hours? Henry received one as a prize at a benefit this weekend. The giggles and squeals from him and the little neighbor girls was pretty darn cute and funny. Try that for a stocking stuff this year.

Come on ride the train! The CRAZY TRAIN! OMG (on a time crunch, texting abbreviations are allowed today) this was SO MUCH FUN! I think it's probably not as fun to the average/normal mom, but when we met at Southdale Mall last week, the moms were just as excited about this train as the kids were.
I think we are still laughing, mostly at ourselves, because not only was the train ride so much fun, but also we owned the stage at the mall for a good hour. The kids ate snacks and danced like they were superstars. There were no toys and no messes to clean up. Just some good company, snackin' and goofin' around. Can I get a CHOO CHOO!
Buddy from Dinosaur Train. Need I say anything more? I think I'd run too, Harrison!

I have two minutes until my time is up, so while my pictures are uploading, I'm going to dump the last of it....
Thanksgiving was a blast! We spent a long weekend with my in laws. I have to say that when people complain about having to spend time with their in laws, I have nothing to add. We were blessed to spend time with cousins, aunts and uncles and grandparents. We ate well, slept well, played, did lots of art, and had lots of laughs.

Time's up!
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