Wednesday, March 16

new life

Ayla Grace was born on March 8 at 5:26 pm. And if I told you how easy Sherry made giving birth look, you would want to hunt that mama down and slap her. Can I tell you, once again, that she's the champion of all mothers! I thought her record of pushing for 7 minutes with Harrison was amazing! Okay, brace yourself for this birthing update. Two words--first push. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Ayla Grace and her mother hardly gave me enough time to actually be an audience member to witness her birth. Nevertheless, it was an amazing, emotional and beautiful beginning to her worldly journey. I am so grateful that I was able to be there to witness. She's beautiful in every way and a perfect addition to Todd and Sherry's family.

I'm also happy to report that the snow is melting here in Minnesota. We are eagerly awaiting for it to actually look like spring and the arrival of the Easter Bunny.

In fact, he's already received a letter in the mail from Henry. The letter looked something like this...
and said something like this...

Dear Easter Bunny,
When you come, I want a bow and arrow. My brother wants a new paci. Mom would like a bottle of wine and a new Jesus necklace. Daddy would like a new flashlight and hammer. Bye--I'm sorry to bother you right now.

So we press our faces to the window

and watch the snow melt. We can't wait to see the brown grass, plant flowers and watch the new life appear before our eyes.

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