I have spent hours trying to give my blog a facelift without having to pay a "surgeon" to do it. In my attempt to be a do-it-yourselfer, I totally screwed up and had to go back to my original template, which pretty much brought me back to square one.
Guess it's not all that bad, I really didn't like the direction I was headed.
Craaaap. Can anyone out there help me?
I feel trapped in a box.
Ok, now I am laughing....
I am thinking about all the times in my life when things didn't turn out the way I wanted. There wasn't a rewind button like there are on most tv remote controls to get me out of the trouble I found myself in.
I remember the time...
I bought a wax kit to start waxing my skin at home. Well, when the wax malfunctioned and I applied it to my eyelids anyway, I ended up with scabs on my eyelids and demanded a refund at the store. I walked up to the counter and asked to return the kit. The lady said, is there anything wrong with it?" To which I replied, "Yea, look what happened to my face."
The time Scott decided to build our retaining wall and I chose the most complicated pattern for him to put together. After spending several hours in attempt to build this wall, we gave up and humbly paid two high school seniors that the patio company sent over to build the wall. The funniest part--we paid them a portion of their labor mid-project so they could afford to take their girlfriends to prom.
When Scott asked me to trim behind his ears with his hair trimmer, I didn't realize the guard was not on. I scalped a two inch strip right behind his ears.
When I was pregnant with Henry, I pooped my pants in Kohls.
When I was pregnant with Hudson, I pooped my pants in Kohls.
What is it with pooping my pants in Kohls? In my defense, it was uncontrollable and both times I was on my way to the bathroom.
That moment in the classroom when I said something I probably should not have and held my breath that I wouldn't get a phone call.
That moment in life when your child repeats something he heard you say within the confines of your home.
Oh well, there is no rewind button while attempting to watch this reality show I call "life". So I'm starting this blog design from scratch. At least my writing was salvaged and that's what's important here, right?
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