My little alarm clock who I will call, Harrison, woke me up this morning at 5am. My husband so kindly went to "shut the alarm off". He must have hit "snooze" because I didn't see him again for about an hour. In the meantime, I couldn't help but become restless as I thought about our day ahead.
I decided to get up, pour myself a cuppa and enjoy the peace and quiet. So that's exactly what I did, but then I started to panic. It was really quiet and I didn't know what to do with myself. I had this flash of my life passing before my own eyes. My kids are growing so quickly and there isn't a thing I can do about it. I went a laid back down in bed with hope that maybe Scott could talk some sense into me. He gave me this amazing talk that assured me that I have purpose, reminded me that everything is in constant flux, and I need to continue to embrace every moment.
It wasn't until Henry woke up that I knew everything was going to be okay. He woke up excited and ready for his new adventure. How could I not feed off of his energy?
After our normal Monday routine--laundry, coffee, dishes, breakfast, more coffee, more dishes, get dressed, YMCA, shower, lunch, and a quick change into clean school clothes--we were ready for our walk to school. We snapped a few pictures...

we were ready to go!
We had a great chat on the way to school about Henry's cool new (well, kinda new) shoes (second-hand chucks, do you dig em'?). He thinks they are awesome and make him run really fast. I reminded him that there are bathrooms at school, not to take food from anyone but his teacher (peanut allergy) and that I was going to take Harrison home to take a nap. I think the whole idea that Harrison and I were going home (across the street, literally) to take a nap assured him that he wasn't going to miss out on much and we were near him. I asked him if he had any questions and the only one he asked was, "What does my classroom look like again?"
I think my favorite part of the walk was when Henry said, "I feel kinda sad...because I am going to miss you." It's not that he was going to miss me that I so much appreciated, it was that he can recognize and identify his feelings. I think that's just so darn cute.
So as for the drop off--easy peasy. He marched right in as if he had done it a few dozen times. Checked out the activities set out and went straight for the toys. He was stoked to find an etch-a-sketch because it reminded him of his own. We exchanged hugs and after a quick snap or two of the camera, he went off and didn't look back. I was amazed at his excitement and admired his strength. I had this thought that if Henry can be so brave, I can be brave too.
One more thing...
This weekend we hit up the splash pad on Sunday afternoon for a picnic and some water fun. Thought I would share a few quick pics since they are just so darn cute!

I hope Trevor and I can be as brave as you and Henry next Monday!