I am just so pumped today! Last night's activity officially marked the highlight of my summer! For the past 4 summers, I can recall the highlight of each summer.
2007--my disbelief as I stared at a positive pregnancy test in the middle of NYC
2008--riding as a guest passenger with and Eden Prairie police officer/neighbor/friend
2009--waiting for Harrison to be born (which I keep reflecting back to this week because the little squirt turns one next week! Last year at this time, Henry & I spent the week at Sherry's house waiting...and waiting...and waiting
drumroll please....
2010--LADY GAGA!
All I have to say is amazing! I was still dancing this morning in my jams with the biggest smile on my face. The music was awesome because she writes her own lyrics and promises her fans that she will forever do so. I lost track of how many wardrobe changes she made last night, but I think it was around 12 times. The 24 year old has a rockin' body! She's the only girl on the planet that can walk around in her bra and underwear like it's formalwear. She has some of the friendliest fans I have ever encountered. Why shouldn't she? She sent some of the most empowering messages about letting yourself be free and unashamed of who you are. I tried to remember things verbatim as she was saying them but I honestly can't remember. But I do know that if she walks into a bar, she has promised to buy us all drinks.
Here's a little fun Stacey and I had before the concert started. We found as many crazy dressed people that we could spot on the way to our seat. Here's a few of our favorites. Sorry for the dark pictures, I took them on my phone and they didn't transfer well to the computer. Here's our version of "Where's Waldo".
Where's Stacey?

Yea, I'm not so crazily dressed, but here's a pic of us.

Umm...Stacey isn't in this picture. And that's a flower covering her eye. I'm not sure how she could see where she was going.

This is our favorite group! The chic in her bra has beer cans doubing as rollers.

Granny in an animal print (quite) revealing dress. But she was definitely rockin' it.

This dude was working for Virgin Mobile and Stacey filled out like 1,000 ballots with the hope that we would get a call from Gaga during the show and be invited backstage.
AND GUESS WHAT?!?!? WE didn't WIN!

We sat next to Steve and Ben. What's with the lab coats, guys?
Alright, now what would a Greatest Gift post be without a few pictures of my little stinkers. Earlier in the day yesterday, Harrison kept blending in so well with his toys, I actually took these pictures with the whole idea of "Where's Waldo"
Where's Harrison?
And he's most recently learned to cry/whine to get what he wants. Here he was not happy with Henry. I'm trying to ignore the cry/whine thing lately with the hope that it will die down a bit.
Let's just say it was short-lived. We live for these kind of smiley moments at the Polman household.
Hope you had a great Wednesday! I'll leave you with one final thought...
rah, rah, ah, ah, ah, roma, roma, ma, ma, Gaga, oh, la, la
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