Happy September! This is a long one. So if you don't have your morning coffee or if you are running low, go get filled up. I'll wait...
I feel like the Minnesota weather went from hot and unbearably humid to brisk in the blink of an eye. I have a feeling that a hot day or two isn't unreasonable to expect yet in this great state, so I am mentally preparing myself that our fall preview is just that, a preview. Yet, I've embraced this invigorating weather because it's refreshing. AND! I love the change in wardrobe. I love to wear shorts and long sleeves, pull out my favorite black sweats (shhh....I've worn them for 3 days in a row, taking them off just long enough to wash on Sunday morning) and sport the sweaters. I am a sweater girl at heart. I own maybe 2 sweatshirts, and they are both grey.
I also really love our annual trip to the apple orchard, Minnesota Harvest. I'm really bumming a bit knowing that they are closing at the end of the season. Guess they made a financial commitment to sell the land to developers a few years ago and this is their farewell season. Apparently they've already sold a lot of things so it's mainly just apples this year. In years past we love the petting zoo, hay rides and drooling over the bakery items. Not sure what's there, but the paper article made it sound like a "ghost town." There are plenty of orchards, but this one was so close to our house and we really enjoyed what it had to offer.
I'm really excited to take out the fall decor that I have, but I'm not going to do so yet. Like I said, I think we're in for a couple hot days yet. When I pull out the pumpkins and goblins and dump my potted plants, I want fall to be here to stay. I have the itch to decorate with every seasonal change. This time, I am focusing on my mantel in the living room. It's a mess. Here take a peek.

It's seriously an eye sore. I need to update some of the photos in the frame and find a new home for the frames. I heard from that Nate guy who appears on Oprah that your home is a reflection of who you are and where you have been. Well, this is a mess. It would tell you all that I've been no where but collecting videos. Because what you can't see very well is a partial collection of our dvds on the left. I have two scenic pictures in frames (I guess those pictures reflect our trip to Italy. I forgot that I once did adult things. I even got engaged there. I should tell you that story sometime.) that should be hanging on the wall but Mr. Harrison likes to pull them down. This is the best spot that I can find that he can't reach...yet.
Have I mentioned that he's been climbing everywhere! If there isn't a stool to boost him up, he will cleverly find something to drag over and help him get his job done. I try my best to shower when he's napping, but if he's not, I lock him in the bathroom with me. One day last week, he boosted himself up on the toy container onto the toilet. It was there that I busted him trying to lift himself up onto either the toilet tank or countertop, I forget. I couldn't believe my eyes! He's also figured out how to open the gate at the bottom of our steps. Now, not only do we have a gate, but we also have an ottoman blocking the gate entrance.

NO, he's not wearing a dress, I just forgot how much work it is to button all the snap on pant legs on a squirmy wormy baby. I like to think I pick and choose my battles. This one I like to frequently let him feel he's won. The poor babe gets told no an awful lot these days. As he's climbing, he's trying to reach for things that are not his--my phone, the computer, Henry's stuff (it seems to always be Henry's stuff--I hear a lot of Hey Mom, watch my stuff. Don't let Harrison get those, okay? Shortly followed by frustrated sounds of ehh ehh ehh whhhaaaa!!! as Harrison attempts to check things out), remotes--things that he sees everyone using and he'd like to try too.
This weekend we visited the state fair. We haven't been there in a few years and this year we decided to make the trip. We've befriended this lovely couple at church that are retired (for the most part) and own The Old Mill at the state fair. So that was the sole purpose of going to the fair. We made that our first stop, and sadly I didn't take any pictures of this highlight, but we got a ride and a behind the scenes tour of the mill. Best of all, we got to meet John and Marna's children who live out of state. John is the man who always gives Henry a quarter after church. Actually, for a long time now, he has increased his donation to a dollar. Henry loves John's high fives and Marna's sweet hugs. We love John and Marna because they appreciate chatter and movement of little ones during church.
(Speaking of church, we received a letter in the mail this weekend that our pastor of 12 years is being sent to another parish next summer. I am really bumming as he is just a wonderful person who was played such an instrumental role at such a difficult time in our lives.)
We didn't eat much (fries, pickle on a stick, and root beer) at the fair--hard to believe, I know. But we did spend some time playing games.
We were not a winner of one of the huge stuffed animals (I really wanted Henry to win one. Scott said we actually did win because we didn't have to drag one of them around the fair.) This was actually the highlight of our fair experience...

the giant slide!!
Another big change around here. My hair. I likely! I have been obsessing about hair these last few weeks as search for a new do. The more I looked, the more I realized everything looks the same. I am so over the stacked in the back or angled toward the front. I look back and I had that cut when I was in the hospital with Henry. That was almost four years ago! I am told short hair is in, but really, I'm waiting for the new style to accompany the trend.
I literally was nauseous while Jean was cutting my hair. I was trying to figure out if it was the fact that I only had coffee in my stomach or if it was because I was actually cutting my hair off. I worked all summer to sport the ponytail and didn't know if I was ready to cut it off yet. However, I know that I am a short haired girl. I have be s-t-rugglin for months, feeling blah with my hair. Knowing all along that I was the short haired girl trapped under all that hair.
Here's me with bed head this morning as I write this entry.

Oh yea, I turn another year older too this week. Today, actually. Looking forward to this "surprise" my sister is bringing over tonight. I think it might be sweet tasting with a creamy texture. We had babysitters on Friday night. They made this "MOM" cake with the boys. Isn't that sweet? They're the best!
And this little stinker turns 1 on Thursday.

That's it for now. Enjoy this blustery day if you live in my neck of the woods.
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