Wednesday, August 18

wine & cigarettes

Last night I found myself scrubbing the floors on our main level after Harrison went to bed, and Henry and Scott headed to the park. Cleaning the floors is the kind of job that is too tough to do while kids are running around during the day. I don't mind cleaning the floors because I love how it feels when the job is done. However, while I'm cleaning the floors I hate every second of it. Mostly, because I see the filth that has crusted over in the tiny cracks and crevasses on the same floors my baby crawls around on and the floors that we apply the 3, 5, and 10 second rule.

So while I was cleaning, I had a fleeing moment of self-pitty that I was cleaning while the rest of my family was doing something more interesting. Like I said, fleeing moment because I appreciated the fact that time was created for me to do this job without interruptions. Which then lead me to think about what some of my favorite things are in life. Some of those things, which I will share with you in a second, are interests while some are tangible things. Then I wondered if those things are obvious to those that I live with.

A bit later when Henry had showered and was snuggling on our bed in-between Scott and me, I asked him, "What sort of things do I like?"

"You like, to beam me up." Translation: You like to chase me around the house. Then you like to hide in places and and freak me out by jumping out behind bushes.

"Umm...what else?"

" like to yell at me."

"Really? That's the best you've got? You think I enjoy yelling at you?" Translation: Yelling = talking in a stern voice that means business, which most of the time lately doesn't appear to scare anyone around here.

"Well, you like books, websites, Daddy, me, Harrison, wine...and cigarettes."


"Yea, you like cigarettes!" He says this with a smirk on his face and a twinkle in his eye because he knows he has me a bit fired up.

Okay, I have this moment of panic when I visualize Henry sitting at a table in his preschool classroom. He sits next to his teacher who is holding the pencil and filling in the blanks for Henry, who is sitting beside her dictating.

Mrs. Judd: Okay Henry, let's do a fun little Mother's Day project for Mommy! What is her favorite food?
Henry: Wine and cigarettes

Alright, perhaps Henry didn't give me the answers I was searching for when I asked him if he knew what my favorite things in life happen to be. But I didn't expect him to make up some random answer. I clearly know where the cigarette answer came from. Translation: he watched me pick up cigarette butts near playground equipment earlier this week, so Harrison wouldn't put them in his mouth. And while at the park earlier in the evening with Scott, they threw away an empty pack of cigarettes that someone left laying around. Cigarettes are on his mind.

(BTW--If you are the one smoking in the parks and leaving your trash laying around, figure out where the trash it, please.)'s my top 20 list. A compiled list of things that please me in no particular order and as they come to mind. As many of you out there can identify, this list continues to change and grow. If you are too young to read, maybe someone can read it to you. Maybe that someone's name is daddy.

1. clean bedsheets
2. a good pair of shoes
3. pedicure
4. the laundry baskets are free of clothes, both clean and dirty
5. mascara that actually works the way it is suppose to work
6. wine (I'll pass on the cigarettes, please) white in the summer, red in the winter
7. a sweaty workout
8. hunting for good recipes
9. eating a really good meal
10. a good find (of any kind)
11. couponing (not as good as some people, who shall remain nameless)
12. uninterrupted sleep
13. nap time
14. getting a nice tan
15. going some place tropical to get that tan
16. date nights
17. knitting
18. happy boys (kids & husband)
19. girl time (that means solo & with my besties)
20. coffee made perfectly with a bit of creamer and a bit of skim milk,


  1. I love the new layout Jen. I'm wondering if you were able to create it all on your own? Looks awesome!

  2. Thanks! Yep, did it on my own! I used a bit of help from "10 ways to beautify my blog" button on the right side. I'm liking the new look too!
