Monday, December 7

Life Lessons

Hi, it's me, Henry. Here are a few little diddys I've learned in the last three days.

1) Don't shout inappropriate things in public (or private) places. Parents can find time out any where and any time. They also have the power to take away prize possessions for long or short periods of time.

2) Telling your mom that she is the best, followed by an I love you in the Target toy section will not get you the toy you eyed up.

3) Cutting your own Christmas tree is way better than purchasing one in a tree lot. Especially if you actually get to go into Santa's house afterward to pay Mrs. Clause and drink her apple cider.

4) Mom and Santa are close personal friends. She will throw you under the bus if you misbehave.

5) If you eat 1/2 dozen cookies, you will throw up.

6) If you eat a gingerbread man while falling asleep at the table, you will choke.

7) You cannot run around church. That gives you a direct ticket to the nursery.

8) Peeing backward on the little potty chair does not work.

9) Eating too many Hershey Kisses will make you chubby.

10) Don't use a tissue to wipe boogers off your face. That's what sleeves are for. And when you don't feel like using your sleeve, wipe the boogers on your carseat.

11) When you tell mom to get out the vacuum to clean up the mess that you made under your chair at the counter, she will give you necessary supplies to clean it up yourself.

12) Dad says when you make Mom mad, bring her home flowers and tell her you love her.

This is me when avoiding eye contact with Santa as Mom tells him a few things that she said he probably already knew.

Mom made me pose with Santa after she "filled him in."

This is my baby brother. I heard he's on the nice list. I'm on the maybe list, whatever that means.

Tuesday, December 1

My Mr. Funnypants

Scene: Henry eating lunch at the kitchen counter, while Dad does dishes (I like that.) Mom enters kitchen wearing sweatpants (What else? Come on, give me a break. It's Sunday!) and vigoriously applying chapstick to her very, very dry lips.
Dad: Henry, what would you like to get Mom for Christmas?
Henry: Umm. . .ahhh. . .some pretty make-up.
Dad: Anything else?
Henry: A giant pair of underwear!

Giving thanks never felt so good. Happy Thanksgiving little Harrison.

Yea! Snow in Northern Minnesota for Thanksgiving! Henry gave the sled a test drive in preparation for Christmas.

Henry and Uncle Matt worked together to make a complex track route. . .

. . .until helping Nana in the kitchen looked like more fun. . .

. . .and Uncle Matt had to recruit more assistance to finish the job.

Did you know that a reading light also dubbs as a flashlight to get the mail in the dark?

Sunday, November 22

over prepared. . .is that possible??


I'm not sure where the weekend went, but it's come and gone. I sit here secretly hoping not to get noticed for at least 20 more minutes as I sneak to the basement and blog. Scott is giving the boys a bath and I can hear screams coming from Henry because he's over tired from a packed weekend of friends and family.

Harrison's baptism was this morning and it couldn't have been more perfect if I had to script the day myself. Scott and I slept just long enough this morning to get ourselves and the boys ready, to visit with family that spent the night while eating some banana muffins and butter braid that I had set out the night before. We got to the church with time to spare--made bathroom trips, Harrison was put in his baptismal gown and visited with Father Tim. The kids set up camp with colors and snacks to keep busy for the hour. I couldn't believe how well everything appeared to be going.

It wasn't until I stood in front of the baptismal font that I remembered my camera, which was sitting next to the charged camcorder that I had carefully packed the night before and tucked into the bottom of my diaper bag. I was trying so hard to follow Father Tim, but I couldn't help but glace at my family watching this important moment in Harrison's life (as his big brother was waving to the crowd) and no one had a camera!!! AND MINE WAS BURIED IN THE BOTTOM OF MY BAG!!!

I can remember my exact thought as Todd lit the baptismal candle..."Hey, this will be easy to reenact. Todd can pose again lighting the candle with us looking over his shoulder in awe."

Fortunately for them, I didn't make them pose for the camera afterward. That would have been silly, but how funny would it be to look at those pictures?!

Even though the words have been unspoken between Scott and I, I believe he would agree with me that today was more special for us than it perhaps is for the average person. Sure, baptism is special in its own sacred way--being welcomed into the church and brought up knowing and forever learning about our faith. However, the last time we baptised a son it was under such different, delicate circumstances. I was wearing sweatpants, sitting it a wheelchair, surrounded by my family in the NICU. My son couldn't wear the baptismal gown that Scott, his sisters, and cousins before him wore. Instead it had to lay next to him. I couldn't hold him and over the baptismal font in church as the priest said his blessings and welcomed him in front of the congregation. Somehow in my heart, I knew that day was the beginning to the end of a very short life. As much as I had hope that circumstances would be different, I knew.

A person can plan for so much, and life is capable of taking you in its own direction regardless if you want to or are even ready to go. Maybe I didn't get those beautiful moments captured on camera, but they are in my heart. I was surrounded by my family who has been our circle of strength, celebrating this special day with Harrison. That's what matters most.

Tuesday, November 17

Don't Blink

I am not sure where the last month has gone. Here is the latest and greatest on our camera. Sadly, most of my highlights are of've fallen into the trap that I've heard most parents say--you take less and less pictures after your first baby. Yikes! I've got work to do!
My baby.

Henry trying to feed me a worm. Yuck.

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

My FAVORITE picture from halloween! What a georgeous smile! At our get together in the morning with college friends, our attemp to get oodles of kids to pose for a picture was chaos, but fun. I laugh at the two unhappy toddlers who surround Harrison. Think he was the happiest one of the bunch!

Spidey was bundled with three layers of clothes for a very cold trick or treat.

Say "cheese" Miss Rosa (PBS)
P.S. She's way too cute! Her personality was just as cute as her looks.

Who wouldn't want cake for breakfast when it looks this good? It took me 2.5 hours to decorate this cake. Am I the next Martha Stewart or missed my calling? NO. There is a reason why people buy cakes and pay a price for them. It takes too long, but it was really fun AND I got 2.5 hours to myself while Scott hung out with the boys in the basement.

Got wings?

Henry and the neighbor girl thought it snowed outside yesterday. I couldn't tell them it was just frost. They took a quick run through the freshly fallen "snow".

Friday, November 13

I NEED cake for breakfast

The Friday before Halloween, Henry received a card in the mail with 10 $1 bills. He was excited because he could add to his savings plan for his Buzz Lightyear Wingpack. His savings plan started with an elderly man at church who always gives him $1 after church. John used to give him 25 cents, but has grown to enjoy Henry's entertainment and friendship and has now upped his donation. Henry is now close to the $20 that he needs to make his purchase. So the Monday following Halloween, Henry received another card. When his excitement is deflated because there isn't any money in his card, he asked to open Harrison's card. Henry learned for the first time in his 3 years of life, that not every card is going to have money in it. He continued to wait to make his wingpack purchase. Finally a week later he receives another card in the mail. He's delighted that it has $ in it and now he has enough to go to the store and buy his wings.

Henry turned 3 on Monday and today we're having a family birthday party for him. I baked his cake yesterday and he's been eyeing it for the past 24 hours. He just came to me and said, "Mom, I'm hungry for breakfast. I need cake." To which I replied, "Henry, you are not eating cake for breakfast." (I bet you can see where this is going.) "Mom, I NEED cake for breakfast... because it's my birthday."

Rule number ONE in this house lately is that you don't always get what you want.

Isn't that a rule in everyone's house? Hasn't it always been a rule in this house? Well, kind of , but not really. This rule has really come into affect since our lifestyle change that I am staying at home with the boys. I am now more money conscience than I have ever been. I find satisfaction in saving almost as much money at the store at I spend. Like, for example I spent $35 dollars at Target a couple days ago and saved $23 in coupons. I LOVE that. I pride myself on trying to save money and show off my recipt to Scott when I get home like a kid looking for recognition on something well done. (He did pat me on the back.) But it does bum me out a bit when I go out shopping now. It's no longer for myself and I can't selfishly throw something in the cart for myself when no one (i.e. Scott) is looking. It used to be easy to throw a shirt in the cart when it was full because it just kind of blended it with the total bill. Well, now life is different and every bit counts. Not to say that I won't do it again, because I am sure I will. What girl doesn't love a new shirt?

I keep telling Scott in our discussions lately that there is no other place for me right now than at home with Henry and Harrison. I am enjoying it more than I ever thought I would. We are finding things to do and making friends along the way. However, I'm not getting time to myself anymore because this job is 24/7. I'm finding that making time for myself is the biggest challenge and it wears on me if I let it go for too long. I used to think that running errands was time for myself, but it's not. Running errands is boring and brings its own element of stress. So I'm searching for purposeful things to do for myself, by myself with Scott's loving support. I've got a few things in the works that I'm excited about.

I miss blogging. I enjoy sharing my thoughts, knowing that others can identify with me. I find myself getting to the computer less and less. At the top of my Christmas list is a laptop. I used to have one when I worked and I didn't realize how wonderful that was until I no longer had it. Maybe Santa will treat me well. I have been a good girl, you know.

So as I do some soul searching and continue to make wish lists, I take happiness in the things that I do have. I have two happy healthy boys that, at the moment are very hungry. And no we won't be having cake for breakfast, we'll have to wait. Because in this house, we don't get everything we want.

Saturday, October 24

Leggo My "Egg"o!

Look who's smiling all the time now!

We got out of our bubble this week, and everyone is in a great mood. I am amazed at how the walls can close in on Henry too when he stays home too much. We had a couple play dates, finally found Henry a winter jacket, and had Henry's allergies retested--that brought great news for Henry and his diet!

When Henry was 9 months old he was diagnosed with allergies to dairy, egg and peanut. At two years, Henry outgrew his dairy allergy. Henry is just a few weeks shy of three years old and only 10 months have passed since his last testing so the doctor was skeptical that any changes would result. So when Henry's results for his egg allergy appeared negative this week, there was some excitement and celebration in the room. The doctor looked at me and said, "I guess mom knows best."

For those of you who have never lived with a food allergy or with someone with food allergies, you might wonder why we celebrate the opportunity to eat eggs. This opens up a new relm of food opportunities for Henry, espcially baked goods--muffins, breads, cakes, cookies. Yea, Christmas baking season!!! The small amount of eating out that we do will ease the anxiety of one less food ingredient to worry about. He was also able to receive his first dosage of the seasonal flu vacination. Like every parent out there, we want our kids to be healthy and with the hype of the seasonal flu and H1N1 this year, I can't help but be nervous that it could affect our family, especially Harrison and Henry. Now that Henry can be vacinated, I am less anxious and pleased that he can help protect his little brother by getting vacinated.

We don't let allergies inhibit the things we do. We just have to be cautious. We've found great substitutions, been creative with food preparations, and developed much a much healthier way of eating for Henry (and our family). When food allergies exist, unprocessed food is the way of life. He's so lucky his mom likes to cook! I think our favorite recipe that we've discovered is chocolate cake. Grandma Jeannie calls it "Crazy Cake," probably because everyone is crazy for it! You'd never know what's missing. The best part--you can eat all the cake batter you want because there are no eggs! Here's the recipe:
"Crazy Cake"
3 c flour
2 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 c sugar
6 Tbsp. cocoa
3/4 c vegetable oil
3 Tbsp. vinegar
2 c cold water

Mix all ingredients; make a well then add oil, vinegar and water and mix well. Bake at 350 in a 9x13" pan for 30 minutes, 20 minutes for cupcakes
Our favorite frosting... 1 stick butter, 3 c powdered sugar, a little vanilla and enough water to make a good consistency

Here's a good egg subsititue for a recipe that calls for 1 or 2 eggs. For each egg call for in a recipe, substitue: 1 1/2 Tbsp water, 1 1/2 Tbsp oil, 1 tsp baking power; mixed together
If you can't use the recipe, maybe you can pass it on to someone you know with food allergies.
Alright, here's the latest and greatest on our camera this week. We spent last weekend at my parent's home in Perham MN. The weather was beautiful on Sunday and Saturday was foggy, but the boys were able to make the best of it outside by fishing and enjoying a campfire all-day-long.

Uncle Matt gave Henry a hair cut.
Henry and Papa were putting the bird feeders up for the winter. I really love to watch them together. Even better--evesdropping on their conversation. They were talking about wires...ah, boring. When Henry gave me the update on what they did, his story for the birdfeeder when something like this..."And there is a hole in the birdfeeder because Papa tried to shoot a squirrel. He missed it."

Below: Peter, Peter Pumpkin Carver

Go Blue!
Here are some random shots with my boys. Henry actually took this picture, not bad.

Monday, October 12

The first "taste" of winter

Ahhh...the first Minnesota snowfall has made it's way to our neighborhood. When I went to bed last night it was autumn and when I woke up, it felt so much like winter. I was so relieved going to bed last night that I didn't have to go anywhere in the morning. After breakfast, Henry insisted on going outside. Can you see that we are not quite prepared for the winter chill? Hen's wearing two pairs of pants, a sweatshirt and a winter jacket that he's worn for the last two winters, which is a size 12-18 months--can you see how much larger the sweatshirt is compared to the jacket? I would say he's grown. My favorite part of the picture is his bright green monster rainboots. We really are not prepared for this first snowfall, but we'll get there.

Last night we made our way to Minnesota Harvest Apple Orchard with our neighbors. Henry was anything but happy as our first stop was the pumpkin bin area. He told me that this picture means he was mad. He wanted to ride the pony. . .

He eventually got his pony ride.

On Saturday night, we had Brooke and MLT over for dinner to celebrate their recent engagement. Here is Henry serving salad to Brooke.

I have decided that Henry is a Polman through and through. . .

Earlier in the day, Brooke stayed with the boys while Scott and I went to the Gopher football game. When Henry saw Brooke's wedding ring, he commented, "That looks expensive. How much did that thing cost?" Brooke told him that she didn't know. He informed her that while he took his nap, Brooke needed to call Matt and ask how much her ring cost.

This morning, I was putting some new bedding on Scott and my bed. He walked in and said, "Mom, how much did this cost?"

Today he keeps looking out the window at the snow. He continues to ask, "Now how much do we have?"

I swear. . .Polman in surround sound is just too much.

Our little Harrison may not be as funny as Henry lately, but he's equally cute. He continues to be a good baby. He is eating 4 oz every 3 hours and sleeps most of the afternoon away. He keeps us company in the morning and early evening. He likes to go to bed around 9-9:45 and wake for the day around 5-6am. He'll get up between 1:30-3:30am for a feeding and fall back to sleep for a few hours. There has only been one night where he decided to visit in the wee hours of the morning for a 2 hour period. He loves to snuggle and be warm. Harrison is alert, happy and on occassion will give us a big smile...which I know for sure is not gas. Others have witnessed it and agree that he is a content, happy baby. We are so blessed.

"Mom, do I have a smustash?"

"Hen, you don't have a smustash, you have a beard."

We made Daddy a birthday cake this morning. Henry enjoyed licking the utensils and bowl once we got the cake in the oven. He keeps asking to frost the cake. Happy birthday Scott! We love you!

Thursday, October 1

A Good Day

"Look Mom. This costume has boobies!"
Harrison, 3 weeks

Spiderman in training.

Harrison posing for his 2 week picture.

At 12:30 today I realized that I had only had a cup of coffee and I still wasn't dressed. We moved from the basement where we spent our morning hanging out, playing, and watching tv to the upstairs area to have lunch. All too quickly, Henry had toys scattered in the toy room and living room. As I tried to put away the one load of laundry I managed to get done this morning, I was able to realized that my house was as big of a train wreck as what I saw in the mirror. I got lunch on the table for Henry, checked to make sure Harrison was still sleeping in the swing and worked like a tornado in Kansas to get things in order.
After I got the house picked up (minus the basement, why bother?), I stood in my closet trying to figure out what to wear. I was disappointed that my favorite sweat pants were in the dirty clothes basket. Afterall, I did wear them, well, a lot let's just say. They needed to be washed. I picked out a tshirt and jeans and frowned at the frompiness that reflected back at me. "What have I become?" was all I could think as I stood looking at myself. "I need to shop for some cool mom clothes that can get urped on. Oh well, I've got better things to do than stare at myself. I have a baby that is going to wake up any second and I am hungry."
After eating a sandwich and picking up some more, I managed to get Henry down for a nap. Is Harrison still sleeping? Am I going to get a few minutes to myself? No. I walk to the living room and see a pair of eyes staring at me and a mouth poking around like a baby bird looking for food. Oh well. I sat down to feed him and he fell asleep. I always enjoy this time of day in the house. It's quiet and I am able to just hold him and not think about anything else. Lots of times, I doze off and get a quick power nap.
I eventually put Harrison down and was able to get to the computer. I've been finding it difficult to get to the computer to do anything else but check email with one handed. I am sorry for my blog entries being so far and few apart, but it's difficult to type with one hand. At the present moment, Harrison continues to sleep and Henry is begging for me to help him find the hanger that his Spiderman costume came on. He's still in his pj top and underwear. I swear I have clothes set out for him. However, since the Spiderman costume purchase, he's only worn the costume with the exception of bedtime....I've got to draw the line but love to see him excited and wearing the costume.
Maybe I have not got much done and don't look my best, but I don't's been a good day.

Wednesday, September 23

8 pounds

Trying to keep his eyes open.
Um, this little honey outgrew this bathtub a long time ago.
Yum! Nothing is sweeter than a baby. This photo was taken on Monday.

Harrison had his first offical visit today at the ped clinic. He's gaining weight and a "picture of health." Dr. O was amazed at our story, "What a gift."

He eats about 3 ounces every 3 hours when he is awake and will sleep 4-5 hours at a time. We know that he can change his habits at any point and time so we are enjoying it day by day. I am enjoying my time with him and his smallness as I know that he will grow too quickly.

Our days at home fly by so quickly. I find myself continuously cleaning, washing, folding and wiping inbetween cuddling, kissing and playing. Caffeine and naps are my best allies, although some days are completely fueled by adoration of the gifts I have been given.

Henry has made the adjustment to big brotherhood well. The biggest change for him has been the slower pace of life. He and I were so used to daily field trips and some days we find it hard to get outside more than an hour before lunch. He's managing with the lack of stimulation. His neighbor "girlfriends" have been good to him by inviting him to play when they get home from daycare.

Sherry is doing well and back on her game. She had no other choice. . .her kids are full of energy! Ally started kindergarten this fall and Austin keeps her entertained during the day. I've been asked so often, how Sherry is doing and how it was for her to separate from Harrison. Again, Sherry is amazing and was the perfect fit for giving us this amazing gift. Life was emotional during the delivery. I feel like I kept my emotions in tact during this journey, but as I watched my son come into this world I couldn't keep it together. The 7 minutes, yes 7 minutes that Sherry pushed (she was even shocked!) were emotional for all of us. But then that was it. I finished crying, we hugged, kissed, exchanged a few words and it was done. Sherry became a special aunt and I became Harrison's mom. Scott and I held him until he had to go to the nursery for a bit and the next day Sherry held him, which was her choice. She will always be close to him and we've let her know that it's okay if he's her favorite nephew. My favorite pictures are still the ones where Sherry's family is looking over him. The pictures warm my heart and visually tell such an amazing story. Sherry and I speak daily and I give her Harrison updates. Scott continues to call her daily,
because he always has. This experience has brought us so close and I am so greatful.

This mommy is signing off and going to bed! Sleep when the baby sleeps!

Tuesday, September 15

Inner Peace

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Welcome Harrison
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Well, we have made it through 4 nights at home and the boys and I are on day two of Daddy returning to work. Harrison is sleeping well and eating like there is no tomorrow! Henry is adjusting well as big brother. He's always asking, "Where's my baby?" Scott and I are enjoying ourselves and finding pure joy in our newest addition to the family.

Harrison has been on one outing since coming home and that was to church on Sunday. It was so fun to show him off, and of course share our amazing story with people who were surprised to see us with a baby. "What a gift!" was the familiar comment we heard. We couldn't agree more.

On the drive home from church, I felt this sense of inner peace and joy that I have not felt in so long. As I looked into the backseat at my two boys, I could hardly believe it was real. The feeling was almost indescribable. Although I know that Hudson can never be replaced, I found myself at this level of happiness that I have not felt for so very long. I can only believe that he had a helping hand in bringing Harrison to us.

Thank you again for your prayers and well wishes. We know that God was watching over us all with the help of our sweet angel.
Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook: Welcome Harrison
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Well, we have made it througg 4 nights at home and the boys and I are on day two of Daddy returning to work. I

Thursday, September 10

Harrison Shane

Harrison Shane 7 lbs 5 ozs, 20 inches @ 9:05 pm

On 09-09-09 at 9:07 pm Harrison Shane was welcomed into the world by his family of love. He is nothing but a picture of health. He's alert, reserved and loves the attention he's getting.

My world has stopped in the last 24 hours as I have fallen in love all over again. Harrison is finally here. . .I can't stop looking at him and could hardly sleep last night. . . life seemed so surreal. He is a truly a gift from above. Every prayer was answered.

Although he is my precious gift, I can't help but feel my greatest gift is Sherry. She gave him life and brought him into this world. She did so with grace and beauty. She has such quiet strength and I have nothing but admiration for what she has given me. Watching her yesterday do such a difficult job with ease, love and at times laughter makes me so greatful to have such a beautiful person in my life. I love you Sherry and I thank you for every sacrifice you have made for me and my family in the last year +. Todd Shane, Ally and Austin--thank you for riding this journey with us and growing closer in love.
Thank you for your prayers and we'll be in touch with you again once we get home tomorrow. Thank you for being so patient as you wait for my update.