Friday, May 20

It's so quiet in the house, I could hear a pin drop.

That is....if there was anyone in this house to drop a pin.

I have been waiting for this day for about 2 months now.

The boys are gone for the weekend to spend 3 entire days with Nana and Papa.
I really hope Nana took Monday off to recover!

When I returned home yesterday afternoon from the "exchange of goods," Scott said to me, "Every where I turn there is just something to be done around here!"

To which I replied to the man with filthy clothes, "This weekend is about two things--recharging our batteries and getting enough done around here without exhausting ourselves."

There are lots of things I love about my husband, but one of the things I have come to appreciate is his desire to work. Long before we were married, I noticed how much he valued working hard and it's payoffs. Now that we have a family, I can only appreciate it that much more--especially since I am an at home mom. But it's more than just providing a living that he's good at. He's great at the let's-make-a-list-and-get-it-done. Sometimes he's so good that I have to remind him that it's okay if we don't get it all done right. now. Although I have to say, through life's trials and tribulations, he's well-balanced with work and family--in the right way. But watch out when the man's created (or given ;) a "to do" list!

So that's what he and I are working on this long weekend. Getting some, not all, of the boxes on our "to do" list checked off. The list is over-ambitious, but in time will need to get done. I feel that if we get all of the boxes checked this weekend, we worked a little too hard and didn't do enough "fun" stuff to recharge our batteries.

Yesterday, Scott took part of the day off and stained the deck and washed the windows. Today, I am cleaning out a little man's dresser, cleaning the bathrooms (half done already) and spending the rest of the day out-and-about all. by. myself. Only to finish the day off dining with friends and my husband.

Tomorrow. More work. Part of which includes REpainting our kitchen. Remember awhile back I told you my husband was going to freshen up the kitchen with new paint, which would bring in a splash of color? Too much color. Ugh! Good thing he's ambitious!

Tomorrow evening. Anniversary dinner.

9 Years.


Tuesday, May 3

not dead

Nope. I'm not dead, just really pokey with my blogging. Still.







I had a wonderful lunch date with my mom on Saturday afternoon. It was a super belated birthday present to her from me, but this was finally the best time to just leave the two little dudes with their dad dude and papa dude.

During our lunch date, we each shared one thing that we wish we could change as a parent. I mentioned to my mom that the convenience of technology is good, but really a distraction from what is more important. I literally could spend every second of the day on the computer because there is so much to explore by reading, shopping and socializing. There there is email. I am sure I could just delete my entire inbox without reading it and my life wouldn't come crumbling down. Finally the convenience of communicating through texting.

I really, really try to set limits on how much my face and fingers are at the computer because it's so unhealthy for me to not have those limits. Kinda of like the tv--people always have opinions one way or the other about how much is too much tv/gaming for kids. So I have to be the first to set an example for these two dudes by setting limits and sticking to them.




Just trying to say hello and manage to boys at the counter with glue sticks and construction paper. One of which I am sharing a chair with and other is asking if I have more lap.

So I'll post a few pictures to show you just how alive we have been! I'm not proofreading or editing this post--so you get what you get and you don't throw a fit as my preschooler tells me--oh, his teacher is so smart--I never realized how smart or important or influential teachers are until I became a parent of a student.

Easter Sunday at Target Field--Go Twins!
What's a game without good food?
Our real Easter dinner was the night before...ummm....ribs.
Henry's new favorite food.
And this is what a toddler looks like after ribs and ice cream.