Friday, July 30

Is caramel a fruit...really?

Two funny Henrisms today that really made me laugh.

Driving in the car today, Henry says, "Mom, I am never getting married. I want to stay in this house forever.

(Okay, maybe it's not a lot of insight, but I thought it was cute.)

"Hey Mom!" (Sherry pointed out that he never address anyone without putting a HEY! in front of the name.)


"What should we have for dessert?"

"I don't know, what should we have?"

"I'm cream."

Scott chirps, "Yea, I'm going to put Harrison to sleep and you and Mom get the vanilla and let's put blueberries and ice cream in a blender."

Henry flatly replies, "NO."

I remark, "Henry's not really into fruit." (unless it's an apple or a dried variety, ugh.)

"Well what kind of fruit do you want in your ice cream?" Scott asks Henry.

"Ahhh...ummm...I think I like the fruit we call...ummm...caramel?"

Thursday, July 29

{the day after} WoRdLeSs WeDnEsDaY...kinda

Destination: Minnehaha Falls
Purpose: Dinner and enjoying the scenery
Laughing out loud because...neither boy would look away from the falls toward the camera

Monday, July 26

be brave

"It's okay Mom, you can call me whenever you need me." Henry said to me yesterday patting my back in our gentle embrace as I sat on his little toilet in the bathroom with tear-filled eyes.

The kid who has developed separation anxiety at 3 1/2 decided to go back with Grandma and Grandpa for a two night sleepover. AND I AM THE ONE CRYING!

After two days with Grandma and Grandpa at our house this weekend, Henry lacked no confidence that he was going back with them. Grandma had her doubts that he would leave, but I just knew that his heart was set on going from the moment he was invited. It took 48 hours to convince myself that I could be brave, and survive without his presence in the house. After church yesterday, we went upstairs together to pack his bag. I had to fight back tears as he sat chattering about his big plans with Grandma and Grandpa. Don't get me wrong, how cool is that to spend time with your grandparents?! I only wish that I had more memories of those experiences. Those are the moments he will spend rehashing in the years to come.

I often hear Sherry and Scott talking about their overnights with Grandma Lorraine. The time one of them (I won't mention who) was allowed to eat two Big Macs in one sitting and then puked. Or when Scott would scare Grandma Lorraine once it was dark outside. They would play "Ma Perkins" and Grandma would become a short order cook. I remember the fun it was to sleep on the floor in sleeping bags in the basement. Only to have Grandpa shout at us to not "turn the dial" on the tv because it would mess up his tv upstairs. I loved the breakfasts my grandma would make when we would wake up in the morning. I hated the silence in the car when we would go somewhere because they never would turn on the radio. To this day, I think about riding in the car with my grandma and grandpa when I drive in silence. The sound of the clicking blinker is so nostalgic.

When Henry was backing out of the driveway yesterday all nestled in the backseat with Grandma, I knew his silence and serious face was not because he was concerned about his decision to go home with Grandma and Grandpa. He was concerned that I would be okay. I waved, shouted at him to brush his teeth and use his manners. Then reminded myself that not only was he in good hands, but also going to make some great memories.

Thursday, July 15

Redecorating My Cyber Personal Space

Alright, followers, I'm totally messing with templates and colors and junk that I simply know nothing about. I am trying to read geek code in layman's terms, and so far so good. Sorry if I am driving you crazy with the different looks I am trying out lately. There are still a few more things I want to try, so thanks for bearing with me!

Any color suggestions? I am not sure which colors suit my blog best. Let me know if you think a particular color(s) screams my personality.

Wednesday, July 14

time flies when you're having fun

Oh my goodness, it's already mid-July! Huh? I am not sure where the last 14 days have gone, but they went all too quickly. Do you feel the same? I mean, people always told me that the older you get, the quicker life passes you by...but really, this is ridiculous! I feel like 85 the way we are cruising!

You might be wondering what we've been up to?

This three and a half year old is operating on his own schedule and testing his boundaries. I pray for patience and wisdom every single day in order to be the best mom I can be to him. I keep asking all the smarter, experienced moms in my life if this is "normal" and I am assured that it is. I keep asking Scott when this phase will be over and he assures me that it never will be and that I must learn to roll with the punches. Are you kidding me? Forever?

We spent part of last week up North with my husband's side of the family. A ritual that we started within the past couple of years is to take the kids to pick strawberries. Last year, Henry ate so many strawberries his lips, fingers, and t-shirt were stained red. The berries he took home were in his belly, not in his bucket. This year was a different story.

Here is what his bucket looked like this year...
and here's what he thought about picking strawberries...

and here's his reaction when we told him we were all done...
This little dude, knows what he likes and what he doesn't. Like most people, he prefers that things go his way. Learning to deal with life when things don't go his way has been his biggest challenge at the moment. In between those moments, he says funny stuff, entertains us with his big ideas, and charms us with his smile and eyes. He loves to read books and use his imagination. He's recently discovered a tote of stuffed animals that I had stored in the basement. He drags them all over the house and chooses a different one to snuggle with every day.

Do I have to tell you again how happy this little man is 24/7? He continues to love to eat and sleep. Anything he sees his older brother playing with is what he is the most interested in playing with too. I probably could put away the baby toys because he's just not interested--I think I keep them out more for myself than for him.

In the past week, he has been scaling the furniture. I feel a walker on my hands pretty soon. Last night, I saw him pop his butt up in the air to walk on his hands and feet. He didn't quite get going and I figure I've got more time on my hands with a crawler than a walker. Henry walked at 11 months, yea, yea, yea, I know each kid is different--I get that--but I see so many similarities with patterns and timing. He still doesn't have control of his balance, but he tried to do some one-handed stunts.

We spent the July 4th weekend with my parents. During that time my dad referred to Harrison as Festus from Gunsmoke. I guess Festus had some messed up teeth. My little man has three teeth on the bottom and one big one on top. When he smiles at you, he scrunches his nose and shows you the big one on top. It's pretty cute. But what isn't cute about this guy? Babies are so sweet!!

We had fun just hanging out with daddy last week. He managed to break away from work (For the most part but, technology always kept him connected to an extent). By the end of the week, I actually had to compete with him to be the one to sleep in. He's always the earliest riser of the family. Maybe his sleepiness was due to not having the newspaper to read every morning. He told us on Sunday night that he was going to miss not hanging out with us all day long. We were bummed not to have him around when Monday morning rolled around, but it was nice to be home again.

Life has resumed some normalcy now that I've unpacked our last suitcase, washed the last load of beach towels and stocked the refrigerator with our favorites. But I haven't put away the sunscreen or the swimsuits because summer is far from over.

I've been making (mostly mental) "to do" lists--spots to clean, things to organize, items to take to Goodwill. But mostly, I am enjoying hanging out with the boys, soaking up the sun, trying new recipes, tending to the flowers (although between Scott and the sprinklers, I haven't had to water them much), trying to decide how to redecorate my house on a budget (Do you see I changed my background again? Guess it's the quickest and cheapest way for me to redecorate something in my life!!) and hanging out in the backyard with the neighbors. Before summer began, I thought I needed to schedule this and that to keep the boys (mostly Henry) busy. I decided against over scheduling and it's been the best thing. Like I said earlier, we're mid-July and it's all going so quickly.

Well, that's our update. Thanks for bearing with the lack in postings! Keep enjoying summer!!